Saturday Morning Videos – Our Annuity Guys’ Video Blogs…
We hope you will enjoy our retirement and annuity videos from our weekly blog. Retirements are always facing new challenges in our fast changing world. Click for more info on annuity rates, fixed index annuity rates, fixed annuity rates and immediate annuity rates.
As Annuity Guys we report on retirement changes for better or worse, so you can stay updated on tax saving strategies, Social Security, annuity planning for income and growth, wealth transfer strategies and the latest scams or gimmicks to avoid. Subscribe free and enjoy a new retirement topic every Saturday morning, videos go great with coffee or tea!
Choosing a Retirement Advisor or Annuity Advisor You Trust
Let me start with this basic truth as a Retirement Advisor & Annuity Advisor – THE ANNUITY GUYS ARE GUILTY – of believing annuities should be an important part of a well balanced retirement portfolio. We admit our bias in that we believe annuities are proven financial instruments that will provide safer, more secure growth and […]Read More »Are Annuities Best for Income or Growth?
You have heard the old saying, “you can’t have your cake and eat it too!” But what if you could?Retirees often desire lifetime income **guarantees while maintaining their principal balance – which has been possible with some annuity strategies – especially in our current higher interest rate environment. The greatest challenge in the recent past has […]Read More »Can Annuities Create Your Highest Retirement Income?
Which of these two statements about retirement income do you find more appealing?My retirement income is contractually **guaranteed to meet my income needs as long as I am alive.My retirement income has a growth potential with some possibility that I could run of out of money early.If you opt for statement one, you may have a […]Read More »What is the Best Annuity?
Are you trying to figure out which annuity will offer the best way to grow your money and safely generate income that you can count on as long as retirement lasts (without depleting your initial principal) to reduce financial stress or even unexpected financial failure during retirement?There are hundreds of insurance companies offering thousands of annuities — but how do you know […]Read More »Avoiding Annuity Income Rider Abuse!
If they tell you that your annuity has a "6%" guarantee most annuity purchasers believe that the 6% guarantee is in their real money - but it's not.Read More »Annuities: What Percentage Should Be in Your Retirement Portfolio?
The answer is… 50 percent (NOT!!!) — want to know why many insurance sales agents might say that?It’s nice when empirical research validates something that we have observed and practiced for years with our financial planning clients.Wade Pfau, a professor at American College who specializes in retirement income determined that based upon current market conditions […]Read More »Annuity Diversification – What Amount Per Company?
You may have invested, scrimped, and saved most of your life for just this moment. Yes, you are ready to retire! Now, your advisor has made his or her annuity recommendation and you are wondering, “is it safe putting that amount into annuities?” or “are annuities safe enough?”This is your retirement after all – is this selection […]Read More »Are 8 Percent Annuity Returns in 2025 Too Good to be True?
Annuity Salesman asks: “How would you like an eight percent compounded return? -Guaranteed!” Misled customer replies, “Where do I sign-up?”Is the question/statement an outright lie? No, but it is one of the reasons so many people are confused about how annuities really work.The five, six, eight, and even ten percent growth claims in the annuity world […]Read More »OutCome Based Planning™ for Retirement
We practice and recommend a “Holistic – OutCome Based Planning™ process when considering annuities.” This approach has the effect of balancing your overall portfolio so you can meet your retirement objectives by “first identifying the least amount of your investments or savings that should be considered for annuities.” OutCome Based Planning™ analyzes and models multiple […]Read More »High Annuity Rates or High Annuity Ratings – Which is Best?
Understanding the balance annuity rates and annuity ratings play in choosing an annuity is a key in making the best annuity choice for your retirement.Third party rating companies should play the dominate role in helping determine the claims paying ability of an insurance company for you as a consumer. So, just how much weight should be placed […]Read More »Why Should Anyone Rely on an Annuity?
By protecting your income foundation with an annuity or annuities — and including Social Security and/or a pension as non-commercial lifetime income annuities – you establish an income floor you’re not likely fall below for the remainder of your life. This floor has the probability of remaining protected regardless of economic circumstances. By creating this […]Read More »Are Set It & Forget It Retirements Practical?
Have you ever put a pizza in the oven only to discover you forgot the timer and your meal is burnt to a crisp? Wouldn’t it be nice to just throw it in the oven and know it will be just the way you like it without further attention to perfect timing? With pizza, maybe not. […]Read More »Are Annuities a Viable Option – As Markets Soar?
The running of the bulls in Pamplona, Spain each July provides for amazing images as young men run alongside the massive bulls trying to demonstrate their bravado. Unfortunately, the images we typically remember of the “running of the bulls” are those dozen or so young men each year that had unfortunate timing and were trampled or gored […]Read More »Can Annuities Enhance Stock Market Investing?
The stock market is well known for its roller coaster effect of up and down account values. For many retirees, this can mean more than a few restless nights and frequent trips to the store for antacids. Just the thought of losing thirty, twenty or even ten percent of your retirement savings can be unsettling at best. Did you know that […]Read More »Why get out of the market now?
What? Markets were on their way back to all-time highs – There must be a mistake! Did we hear the stock market report correctly? Did the reporter say the Dow just dropped a record 17% in one day? How can this be? When, you are supposed to retire in less than two months. Wake-up! Not […]Read More »Should You Buy Annuities in our Trump Influenced Bull Market?
What would Trump do? Do you think he might be the type to buy low & sell high? This sounds incredibly easy but when it comes to knowing the right time to get in or out of the securities/stock market, unfortunately the vast majority of individual investors and even experienced advisors fail miserably and it’s doubtful that President Trump […]Read More »Are 8% to 15% Returns an Annuity Scam?
“Eight Percent Annual Annuity Returns”… or even better! Before You Lock In Rates… Discover Up To 15% Income For Life or how about up-to 33% More Income for Life!Where did we find these amazing offers? Believe it or not, right in the Ad section at the top and bottom of the page when we searched Google for the […]Read More »What’s Your Best Retirement Income Strategy?
Retirement encompasses many joys, fears, and unknowns. One of the biggest fears according to our field observations is running out of money in retirement.So, what is the best strategy to protect your income? Is it to put money in stocks, bonds, bank instruments, annuities, or some other option? Well of course, the answer is most likely […]Read More »Avoiding Annuity Gimmicks, Amateurs, & Charlatans!
Everyone loves a good practical joke – until the joker happens to be the salesperson who just sold you an annuity and your retirement ends up as his or her punch line.To help you figure out if your advisor is a “joker, amateur-salesperson, or a true experienced financial planner”, we have put together a list of red flags […]Read More »Annuities versus Securities
When you build a house, you don’t start with the roof – you start with the foundation. For many retirees annuities help make-up one of the of the foundational elements in their retirement’s safer money growth allocations and/or their income plan alongside Social Security, pensions, and other reliable income streams.Once you have the income foundation of your retirement […]Read More »Is One Million in Annuities or Securities Enough to Retire On?
If I had a million dollars, I’d be rich… but, would I be rich enough to retire for 30 plus years and never work another day in my life and not have to worry about running out of money?The four percent withdrawal rule was an acceptable baseline for financial planners, and it was used for […]Read More »Top Ten Fixed Index Annuity Questions to ask Before Purchasing!
And now, here’s your Fixed Index Annuity TOP TEN Countdown… while we are definitely not the Casey Kasem version of counting down the top ten annuities, we can be somewhat entertaining as we help you stay informed concerning the ten top questions about fixed index annuities… [Top 10 list is continued below video]Video: Watch as Dick and Eric tackle […]Read More »Is Your Advisor One Annuity Away From a Free Trip to Paris
The best annuity… is it the one that is best for you to own or the best annuity for the agents benefit? Unfortunately, the client’s needs and an advisor’s product selection are not always in alignment for the client’s best interest. [continued below video]Video: Annuity Guys, Dick and Eric, examine some inherent conflicts of interest in […]Read More »Beware of Best Annuity Claims Aka Sales Hype!
When you begin research on annuities via the internet it does not take long before you realize that most sales people, agents, and advisors claim to have the best annuity for you. First, they must get your information to make certain that they recommend that one very best annuity, advanced annuity strategy, or annuity report prepared especially for you! […]Read More »Can Index Annuities be a Good Hedge Against Inflation?
Are our Golden Years in danger, with the new high inflation issues that may be here to stay? The years we are supposed to spend relaxing, traveling the world, and reaping the benefits of our years laboring to sock away dollars for retirement. With a little expense planning, we can know just about how much income […]Read More »Can MarketFree® Annuities Balance Your Portfolio?
It has been more than four years since the pandemic started and the stock market has reached some new historic highs, so… what better way to retain your gains than with safer, MarketFree® Annuities in your retirement portfolio. Most retirees are looking for ways to secure at least a portion of their retirement savings from […]Read More »How Much Money is Enough to Secure Your Retirement?
It’s important to differentiate what you need for retirement security versus what you would desire if all your investments go extremely well. Yes, we all would like to have high returns and phenomenal **guarantees associated with every annuity or investment but reality can at times be less than optimal.A recent survey of near retirees who were […]Read More »What do index annuities, mutual funds and ETFs have in common?
Fixed index annuities, mutual funds^, and exchange traded funds (ETFs) could not possibly have very many things in common or could they? After all, the dyed in the wool investment guy wants you to think about securities or variable annuities and your safer money retirement planner keeps making a case to move some dollars into fixed or indexed annuities. Wouldn’t it […]Read More »Can Annuities Reduce the Cost of Retirement?
Would you rather get something on sale or pay the full retail price? Silly question, right? Nobody wants to pay more than they have to, if given the choice. What if you could reduce your overall cost of what you need to retire by purchasing an annuity?I know it sounds like something an annuity salesman might say, but according […]Read More »Are Annuities Safe for Your Retirement?
Safety of money is generally relative to comparing levels of risk between government-backed financial instruments, insurance-backed financial instruments, or securities market risk assumed by an investor.State regulation forces insurance companies to follow what is known as statutory accounting, unlike generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) utilized by publicly owned corporations. Statutory accounting is a “show me […]Read More »Who Should Choose Annuities?
What type of individual chooses to purchase an annuity?Is there a stereotypical annuity enthusiast? Maybe not – however, we know from our field experience that there are common values shared by many individuals who determine that an annuity is a good option for some portion of their retirement portfolio.Five Common traits of annuity owners are: […]Read More »Five Top Annuity Safety Risks to Avoid
Annuities are safe, secure, and without risk…. hmm, well not exactly. As Annuity Guys® we expound quite a bit on the safety virtues of MarketFree® Annuities, however, in the interest of being fair and balanced our standard practice is explaining that different annuities have varying degrees of risk even if some have very low risk.Here are our Top 5 Annuity Safety Risks:Market Risk to […]Read More »Five Annuity Mistakes You Should Avoid!
How many times have you heard someone say “You have to learn from your mistakes”. Well, we are going to make it easy for you. This week, you get to learn from other folk’s annuity mistakes!Annuities can be great financial products when they are used for the right reasons to accomplish specific goals. However, when […]Read More »7-Steps in Avoiding Annuity Information Overload
“Information Overload” creates a condition we call “Paralysis of Analysis”. It is the fear of making a poor decision which can lead to a never ending string of inquires resulting in failure to act. The constant search for the right answer when it comes to finding the best annuity takes most people down a meandering path of […]Read More »Turning Your 401k into Retirement Income
“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” While Benjamin Franklin was probably not referring to what he was going to do with his 401k when he retired, his words of wisdom ring true for our modern day retirees. Unfortunately, for most nearing retirement, establishing their income number is often the biggest stumbling […]Read More »Exposing an Advisor’s Annuity Bias!
Would you allow your general practitioner to perform heart bypass surgery on you in their office? Since, after-all, he or she is your trusted doctor who has helped you through many belly aches and sore throats, kept your blood pressure in check, and monitored your good health, you trust them! You might think this analogy a little over the […]Read More »Can Annuities Protect Your Spouse if You Die First?
All kidding aside, when you stated your wedding vows, you likely stated something similar to “I take you to be my lawfully wedded (husband/wife); to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse; for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; until death, do us part.” It has probably been a […]Read More »Smooth Market Volatility with Fixed Index Annuities
We all have heard the saying “what goes up, must come down” However, when it comes to your retirement portfolio used for income, the question becomes, how far down can it go before panic sets in? Case in point is the COVID 19 Pandemic that drove stock portfolios deep into negative territory, fortunately the stock […]Read More »Choosing Annuity Potential or Income **Guarantees
Have you ever heard the quip “It can be hard to remember that the objective was to drain the swamp when you are up to your derriere in alligators”? Well, that is a little bit like what happens when folks begin choosing annuities based on safety of principal and/or **guaranteed income objectives. With the vast […]Read More »Stocks, Bonds and Annuities – How Much in Each?
Remember making decisions this way, growing up, eeny, meeny, miny, moe, this may have been a helpful rhyme for making choices back then. However, I’m certain you would agree, it’s not a great way to select your retirement funding strategies as a responsible adult!For those of you who have followed our blog for a while, you […]Read More »Enjoy Annuity Income While Maintaining Your Principal!
You can’t have your cake and eat it too… or can you?When it comes to choosing annuities, most folks want steady growth and increasing lifetime income. The problem is that no one annuity is designed for optimum growth and income.However, in a well constructed retirement portfolio, you can structure annuities to create an advanced income plan – which may enable you to have […]Read More »Are Annuities a Better Answer for The Impending Correction?
Sir Isaac Newton said it best, “What goes up must come down.” Even this booming V shaped recovery is no exception! Corona virus, pandemics, natural disasters and wars are just a few of the numerous events that can cause the stock market to fall dramatically.As financial advisors, we work with clients to prepare for the […]Read More »Five Annuity Obstacles to Overcome
Purchasing an annuity for retirement can be a difficult and stressful decision. For many people this means re-positioning a portion of their retirement assets as they transition from investing and saving to spending and securing assets; and while this sounds like an easy process, there are more than a handful of obstacles that must be overcome before… [continued below video]Video: The Annuity Guys, Dick […]Read More »Are Fixed Index Annuities Best for Retirees?
“Sometimes you eat the bear; sometimes the bear eats you.” – AnonymousHow would you like to make a portion of your retirement portfolio “bear-proof”? By adding a fixed index annuity allocation, you can do just that because a fixed index annuity allows you to participate in a portion of a market index’s upside while eliminating […]Read More »Can Annuities Eliminate or Reduce Retirement Failure?
The biggest challenge to a successful retirement is living too long and running out of money – regardless of how much money one may have accumulated for retirement.Fixed Annuities (non-variable), when properly structured, provide two elements that safeguard retirements – lifetime income **guarantees and safer growth without the risk of investment loss to principal. One […]Read More »Ten Factors Determining the Least You Need in Annuities
One of the biggest challenges facing pre-retirees is knowing the amount of income they will need in retirement to live comfortably. Many pre-retirees start with the belief that their income needs to be close to the same amount as what they are earning while they are working if they want to preserve their current lifestyle. Such is not always […]Read More »Why are Annuities an Excellent Alternative Asset Class?
What goes up but does not come down? No, this is not the start of some riddle to be answered next week; but rather an often overlooked retirement growth and income option that can be easily added as an alternative asset when balancing your portfolio!Annuities are best known for providing a stream of income; however, fixed index annuities […]Read More »Top Five Reasons, Not to Buy an Annuity!
Let’s be honest, there are plenty of reason why someone should not buy an annuity. As Annuity Guys, we understand that there are numerous times when an annuity might not fit the goal of the interested party and part of our job as a Financial Advisor or consultant is to counsel clients and web site […]Read More »Exposing Why Some Advisors Love or Hate Annuities
“Why can’t we all just get along?” It seems that the spirit of divisive partisan politics has invaded the investment world of annuities vs securities and more specifically fixed index annuities. For a myriad of reasons it seems many advisors end up in one camp or the other – loving or hating annuities while at times […]Read More »“I Hate Annuities” “Secret Annuity Strategy”
Internet & TV Gimmicks!Negative statements and hyperbole inherently make strong headlines, grabbing our attention! The financial industry is very guilty of using this sensationalism, rather it’s negative or positive in getting our attention, so their emotionally charged sales pitch can reach us!Annuity and investment marketers are constantly pummeling you with advertisements, telling you how much they hate annuities […]Read More »Choosing a Great Retirement Advisor for Financial Planning
Remember the yellow page ads from years ago – “Let your fingers do the walking, it’s a snap!”The yellow pages still exist in the phone book (I think), but how often do you use them to make a crucial decision when choosing a professional that specializes? Would you rather choose a doctor or dentist based […]Read More »Fed Up with Exaggerated Annuity Claims?
There is a saying in the annuity world that annuities are sold, not bought! Yes, at times this may be true, some annuities can be complex and may take more explaining/selling to understand how they can help your retirement planning needs. Some can have moving parts that involve calculations for income and growth and may […]Read More »Identifying Unethical Annuity Advisors
Practicing as a financial advisor is an honorable profession that is dishonored when its practitioners employ abusive and deceptive sales practices.Oftentimes, the root causes of abusive, unethical practices are a lack of character and integrity which can manifest a worst case scenario as criminal intent on the part of the advisor. This type of self-serving […]Read More »Are Annuity Fees, Surrender Costs, & Commissions too High?
I would wager that everyone has used the phrase “You get what you pay for” in describing a less than desirable outcome after choosing some type of less expensive option. However, can the same axiom be used when considering annuities? Of course the answer is YES… and occasionally NO.Surrender costs or penalties, annuity fees and commissions on annuities […]Read More »How Do Index Annuities Pay Higher Interest?
Okay, what’s the catch? How is it possible that a fixed index annuity (FIA) can eliminate market risk and earn higher interest than standard fixed annuities and banking products. Unfortunately, at times there is a catch – when the agent is overselling or overstating the merits of this type of annuity. Often, they tell clients, you will have stock market returns without market risk […]Read More »Top Five Annuity Lies!
There are annuity white lies, damnable annuity lies, and some liar-liar, sales agent/advisors who hope you won’t notice that their pants are on fire! LolWhile their are plenty of misconceptions about annuities and how they work… here are our top five annuity lies based our conversations with website visitors seeking truthful answers and field observations of advisors promoting annuity […]Read More »Five Early Annuity Surrender Options
There may be 50 ways to leave your lover, sings Paul Simon! And, there are at least five ways to leave your annuity which will never be sung by the Annuity Guys. LolBefore we jump into the list of five ways to leave your annuity, you should know that fixed annuities are typically long term contracts […]Read More »Are Annuities the Best Answer to High Retirement Costs?
The closer you are to retiring, the easier it is predicting how much income you will need in retirement to be comfortable and enjoy the standard of living you are accustomed to – at least for the first five years or so. But what about the twenty-five to thirty years after that?As you start budgeting for your retirement lifestyle, certainly you’ve considered the necessities like […]Read More »Annuity Surrender Charges
Top Ten Questions & AnswersSince David Lettermen retired several years ago, we decided it’s time to honor his place in history, with an annuity themed top ten list! Here are the Top Ten Annuity Surrender Charge Questions that we, Annuity Guys, believe you need answers to… [continued below video]Video: The Annuity Guys® Dick and Eric discuss 10 top annuity […]Read More »Choosing Annuity Specialists, Local or National? Which are Best?
There has been a huge shift of folks leaving local brokers and advisors to find better investment options online with national advisory firms such as Fidelity, Vanguard, and E*TRADE to name a few. Most folks now realize that they can save fees and do better on their own.Annuities are no exception. More and more folks are […]Read More »Annuity Income & Growth to Maintain Principal
Do you remember the first time you heard about annuities? It might have been in a nice restaurant hearing a presentation from an advisor or maybe your good friend who could not resist telling you about how he just discovered a great answer for secure retirement income and growth!Since then you may have searched the internet high and […]Read More »Lifetime Annuity Income: Annuitize or Control Your Money with Income Riders
Do you have to annuitize an annuity to get **guaranteed lifetime income? No, not if the annuity has an income rider.If you elect to place a lifetime income rider on an annuity does that selection prevent you from annuitizing in the future? No. Confused?The advent of the living benefits rider or as most of us call them […]Read More »Can Annuities Help Retirees Transition from Saving to Spending?
Mom used to talk about knowing the difference between “a want” and “a need” when I was younger. As my sister and I would beg for one of those candy bars stacked beside the cash register, she would say “do you really NEED it or you just WANT one?” And, when money was tight, we […]Read More »Does Your State Have Good Annuities?
There’s no place like home… but when it comes to annuities, your Home State may not be the best place for annuities! The annuity you purchase in Texas most likely will not be the same as the similar one you buy in California – even if it is the same company and annuity by name.Does it matter? You bet, it […]Read More »Five Common Annuity Regrets to Avoid
Most of us have a few regrets in life… but seriously – annuity regrets???Perhaps we have gone too far as the Annuity Guys® in releasing the five most common annuity regrets expressed by folks we have spoken with, across the country…I’m losing money in my annuity and still paying high fees!Cashing my annuity in will hurt, […]Read More »Annuities, Investing and Retirement – What’s Your Strategy?
A goal without a plan is mostly just a hope and a wish. So, do you have a well thought out retirement planning strategy or just a hope and wish for your retirement?We encourage the use of annuities to provide reliable income and safer growth for some portion of a well designed retirement plan. Does […]Read More »Who Should Not Buy Annuities?
Are You One of These Five Profiles who probably should NOT buy an annuity?Are you an Aggressive Investor with an Appetite for Risk?Do you believe the Stock Market is poised for a couple decades of steady growth?Are you age twenty to forty?Are you over age eighty?Do you believe that all financial institutions will fail soon and […]Read More »Reduce Your Concern of Outliving Retirement Dollars!
Have you ever made a trip to the grocery store where you picked up a few items, walked up to cashier only to realize seconds into the transaction that you don’t have your wallet or any way to pay for the items you picked up? If this has never happened to you, be thankful, because […]Read More »Optimizing Annuity Income for Retirement
If we only had a nickel for every phone call that came into the office which started out like this…“Hello, This is the Annuity Guys®. How can we help you?”“Hi, can you please tell me which annuity is best?”“Which of the two types are you referring to, variable or fixed?… and what variations of those two types are […]Read More »Are MarketFree® Hybrid Annuities Good for Retirement?
What would the perfect retirement financial vehicle look like if we could design it from the ground up?Would it allow for stock index growth without losses? How about secure lifetime income?We don’t proclaim MarketFree® Hybrid Annuities to be the best retirement option for everyone, however, they do provide for potential to capture a portion of a security indices’ growth […]Read More »Do I need an annuity with or without a pension?
If you are asking this question rest assured you are in good company. Today’s retirement landscape is the result of companies dumping their pension plans in droves over the last twenty or so years! Most pensions were very similar to today’s commercially available immediate income annuities. Buy one and your income is guaranteed, no matter […]Read More »Are Annuity Surrender Charges a Deal Breaker?
The last time you bought a new car, how much of a factor in your purchase decision was the vehicles expected resale value? My guess is… it was just one of the many factors considered. Typically the sooner you trade-in a vehicle, the bigger the depreciation ratio. Well, in the annuity world, the surrender charge […]Read More »Fiduciary Financial Planner Vs. An Annuity Salesperson
The Department of Labor (DOL) was in the news a few years ago with a push to require fiduciary standards for annuity insurance agents working with tax qualified accounts like 401Ks, IRAs, 403Bs, etc. This may have confused some investors looking for a true fiduciary financial planner who is series 65 licensed as a Registered […]Read More »Will Rising Interest Rates affect Stocks, Bonds, and Annuities?
With President Biden overseeing our pandemic induced V shaped recovery, some experts believe the Federal Reserve Bank needs to begin increasing interest rates while others believe that the Fed should still hold back on raising rates to build a stronger economy which could still take a dive from our new highs, since many other countries […]Read More »Buy an Annuity Now or Will Rates Rise?
All things come to him who waits- provided he knows what he is waiting for… Prior to the Corona-virus it seemed like rates would remain stable and trend up. However, what has happened in the last year or so demonstrates just how quickly stability can give way to instability!When folks question us if we think […]Read More »Annuity Rates vs Bank Interest Rates – Which is Best?
Since something is better than nothing, then more of that something is usually even better – thus, the reason why so many traditional bank savers have been researching and choosing higher annuity rates over the last ten years.Annuity rates may not seem a lot higher yet the difference of 1 to 3 percent over time generates sizable portfolio gains. By the way, the difference between the […]Read More »Long Term Care – Annuity and Life Insurance Solutions
Long-term care, growth, and wealth transfer are built into many of today’s annuities and life insurance products, this is sometimes achieved via optional riders that vary in design and cost. Some options are a more complete answer, and some help supplement a potential extended care need. These solutions are accomplished with **guarantees, avoiding uncertainty or stock […]Read More »Avoid Tax Moving IRAs and 401Ks to Annuities
Death and taxes may be certainties of life… but it doesn’t mean we should not do all we can to delay them!Many clients misunderstand regulations surrounding the taxable consequences when transferring funds from an employer-based retirement account such as a 401k or even an individual IRA account into an annuity. A lot of the confusion […]Read More »Are Annuities a Tax Trap?
Never buy an annuity – it is a tax trap or so the negative articles say! When I hear the words never, always, and every my radar for unfair bias goes way up. The annuity industry accounts for trillions of retirement dollars. One would have to seriously doubt that all of this money comes from brainwashed zombie annuity owners that are […]Read More »China Tariffs – Market Corrections – Effects on Index Annuities
Market’s are so unpredictable that “the experts” are frequently – DEAD WRONG! Unfortunately, you rarely here about their failed predictions, they tend to re-predict, move the dates and point to when they were correct. We all know that eventually the market will drop and it will appear that some experts (worthy of your trust, NOT) […]Read More »Seven Ways to Use Annuities for Estate Planning!
Annuities are not commonly thought of as financial tools that are utilized within an Estate Plan. You may be surprised to know that there are, in fact, many ways annuities can be effectively implemented into a well designed estate plan.Did you know…Annuities avoid Probate Court cost, public disclosure, and delays;Charitable gift annuities create tax savings & income while helping charity;Death Benefit […]Read More »Beat the Tax-Man Fair & Square with Annuities!
Pay Less Tax with Annuities – Legally!Here is our list of seven advantages you should know so annuities can help you avoid the taxman.Annuities provide tax deferral and do not require any reporting to any government agency while in deferral.Some states do not tax annuity distributions for retirees.Rolling 401ks and IRAs into annuities is a non-taxable event […]Read More »Trust the stock market or hedge with annuities?
Are you aware that the greatest number of consecutive days the Dow has ended with a gain is only 13? Since 1950 the S&P 500 has been up about 53% of the time and down around 47%; up heads, down tails.We are not saying that your retirement has only a slightly better chance than a coin flip […]Read More »Why do 84 percent of Retirees want Annuities but only 14 percent buy them?
“You can’t always get what you want; but if you try, sometimes, well you just might find you get what you need.”You probably never imagined the Annuity Guys would be quoting lyrics from the Rolling Stones, but somehow this line was the perfect description of the findings from a TIAA-CREF study on lifetime income. The TIAA-CREF […]Read More »Avoid 50 Percent IRS Penalties on IRA RMDs Using Annuities
Uncle Sam wants YOU… The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires all traditional individual retirement account (IRA) owners to take a distribution from their account every year after they turn 70 1/2. Failure to withdraw at least the required minimum distribution (RMD) will result in a 50% penalty payable to the IRS.So, if an IRA owner […]Read More »Variable Annuities Vs Fixed Index Annuities – FIAs
Suze Orman came by the office the other day… Okay, true confession, so, she was actually on the cover of an older copy of Success magazine, but she does have something to say about this weeks topic. Suze really doesn’t like variable annuities#. We, on the other hand, try and take a bit more balanced position when […]Read More »Social Security and Income Planning
We’re the Annuity Guys®! So, why would we be video blogging like a couple of government bureaucrats about Social Security? What if we told you that Social Security is perhaps the ultimate super annuity and for many retirees it will probably be the cornerstone of their retirement plan based on overwhelming government statistics.Would you be interested in a […]Read More »2017 Annuity Guys Market Prediction, NOT!
Wow, we must admit, we were DEAD WRONG!As Annuity Guys, we tend to avoid sticking our necks out on economic issues we can’t control such as a stock market downturn. It is much easier to just say “who really knows” and play it safe since investors still value annuities in both bull and bear markets. […]Read More »Hillary or Trump? Will Your Retirement be Safe?
A cardinal rule of etiquette we all have heard and usually with some degree of sarcasm is “never talk about religion or politics”. We all know how these subjects can be highly contentious and typically result in heated arguments or hurt feelings instead of a meeting of the minds.So, it is with some trepidation that […]Read More »Are Annuity **Guarantees on Their Way Down?
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Dickens often quoted opening to the Tale of Two Cities, might just as easily be applied to how we think annuities fit into retirement – right now.Every week people reach out to the Annuity Guys to ask if this is the right time […]Read More »Why are Markets and Annuity Sales at All Time Highs?
Equity markets increasing and annuity sales increasing at the same time is a little like cats and dogs playing together. It does happen, but an inverse relationship has been the norm.Author Dan Kadlec (cited below) stated in his article that “Lifetime income has emerged as perhaps the biggest retirement challenge of our age. The gradual shift from defined […]Read More »Sell in May and Go Away or Buy Annuities?
Life is full of profound statements and sayings that stick in our minds. For investors and brokers, the saying “sell in May and go away” has held some degree of truth for those who are looking to avoid the volatility and declines of the equity markets from May through October.This topic seems to have some momentum among […]Read More »Index Modified Endowment Contract vs a Fixed Index Annuity
A while back, we attended a training where one of our colleagues waxed poetically about what he called “the best financial product”. He lauded about how his clients loved him for solving many of their core desires – safety, growth, and liquidity with tax advantages; not to mention benefits for long-term and chronic care with this little known–under […]Read More »An Annuity for Valentine’s Day?
There are plenty of jokes about giving a gift that keeps on giving; but seriously, an annuity is a gift that can keep on giving income for the rest of your valentine’s life!What says I love you more than the security and simplicity of safe lifetime income**? Every time your spouse goes to the bank, writes […]Read More »Market Volatility is Back! Are MarketFree™ Annuities an Answer?
Timing is everything. Unfortunately, 99 percent people who say they are only in the stock market when it is going up and then get out just before it goes down got lucky once, are delusional or lie!The level of recent volatility makes even the most staunch buy-and -hold investors take notice; and for those counting on their investments to fund an […]Read More »Can Annuities Help You Avoid the 2016 Crash!
Can Annuities Help You Avoid the 2016 Crash?… Absolutely!If you think like many Americans and some economic experts that a crash is coming in 2016 to the equities market and you would like to move some of your assets to a safer place, fixed and fixed index annuities (FIA) could be a viable option for […]Read More »A Lump Sum Buyout or Keep Your Pension – Which is Best?
It is a statistical fact that “Retirees love their pensions”. Studies consistently show that pensions are favored over qualified retirement savings plans like 401ks and IRAs. The comfort of knowing that one has an income that they cannot out live has been a stabilizing factor for many generations of retirees — until recently.Please don’t think that we are anti-pension. We love […]Read More »New Social Security Cuts are Effective NOW
Last week, we had no idea that congress and the president would act so quickly on such an important issue!Social Security changes: How will they impact your retirement plan?This new budget bill will significantly impact the retirement plans of many individuals nearing or in retirement. Beginning in 2016, the bill would stop the benefits of…[continued below video]Video: The Annuity Guys, Eric […]Read More »Is Strong Growth from Annuities Likely in The Looming Bear Market?
Strong growth is a matter of perspective, and when your basis of comparison is a decrease of 20 to 30 percent, even zero growth is strong by a matter of comparison.Many economist and market watchers have been proclaiming an end to the bull market for months and the recent drops have sent many investors scrambling […]Read More »The China Affect on Annuities…
There has been no shortage of China headlines as their economy faces major headwinds. It would be naive to think that the second largest economy in the world, that is close to becoming number one, would somehow not affect the US economy adversely if they go into a free-fall. Even a small country like Greece going […]Read More »When is Zero Good News for Hybrid Annuities?
Have you called someone a “good-for-nothing” and thought you were being derogatory?With hybrid annuities, being good for nothing in the bad years is actually one of the best features! There is a phrase in the hybrid annuity world, “zero is your hero”, and it is derived from the feature of fixed index annuities which allows you to participate in the […]Read More »High Annuity Fees & High Annuity Commissions – Hear the Inside Truth
We’ll just give it to you straight – some annuities pay high commissions and some of them have high annuity fees. Now that we have those unpleasant facts in the open, let’s figure out if this makes annuities a good or bad choice!When it comes to a properly designed retirement plan, does it matter what […]Read More »Annuity Undo Buttons – Using Your Free Look!
Most big ticket purchase come with a warranty or a **guarantee – including annuities. Did you know that all annuities come with a money back satisfaction **guarantee?Annuity owners are permitted to terminate their annuities contracts without penalty or surrender charges during their free-look period. The free-look period differs by state and by carrier but typically […]Read More »How are Annuities Affected by the New 2015 Rollover Rules?
The Internal Revenue Service is changing the IRA rollover rules this year – if you don’t know about this change it could hurt you.Beginning in 2015, you can only make one rollover from an IRA to another (or the same) IRA in any 12-month period, regardless of the number of IRAs you own. The limit will […]Read More »Annuities Make Life Better for Retirees – Study Reports
Would you rather be happy and optimistic in retirement or worried about spending too much? We know it sounds like a silly question; but, what if we told you that retirees who have a greater percentage of their retirement income coming from **guaranteed sources are happier than those who do not. So, now you know – owning an annuity can make […]Read More »Can Hybrid Annuities Beat Market Returns?
Do you remember the story of the tortoise and the hare? Hybrid annuities might be compared to the tortoise in Aesop’s fable because often slow and steady does indeed win the race.Just like the tortoise in Aesop’s story, hybrid annuities are steady and consistent in their pace; and while they may take an occasional break, they never go […]Read More »Can a Hybrid Annuity Uncapped Index Pay Higher Interest?
Should annuity buyers be giddy because they can own an annuity with no limiting upside cap and of market loss? Well, maybe, since we are now in the new annuity era of the low volatility index.If you are a prospective annuity buyer you should consider this new strategy for good reason. First and foremost, these are uncapped indexes with seemingly unlimited […]Read More »Hybrid Annuity Sales Hit All Time Highs! Do You Know Why?
Record numbers of retirees and savers are flocking to fixed and fixed index annuities – why?For many baby boomers , the great recession is still ingrained into their thoughts as they make plans for their retirement. The thought of losing 30-40% or more of their portfolio in the stock market has sent them out seeking safer growth options; while other baby […]Read More »Are Hybrid Annuity Income Riders Stacked in Your Favor?
We must own up to our play on words this week. One of the more recent popular income riders strategies is referred to as the “stacking” strategy. Of course we found our title quite witty while most of you are probably thinking – these guys really need to get out more.However, most of us given […]Read More »Are Annuity Complaints on the Rise?
Mom always said; “If you don’t have anything good to say, don’t say anything at all.”Well, we want you to know that this rule does not apply to annuities. As Annuity Guys®, we may be a tad-bit more sensitive to reading the negativity spewed by some writers when it comes to annuities; however, it does appear that any increase in complaints by […]Read More »Can Annuities Save Your Assets?
There is an old saying that goes – “there is nothing **guaranteed in this life other than death, annuities and taxes.”Well, that might not be exactly how it goes, but you definitely cannot put pensions on the **guaranteed list anymore.In Illinois we have just passed pension reform in the legislature. Pension reform sounds nice, but […]Read More »The New – Immediate Hybrid Annuity™
What could be better than a Hybrid Annuity? How about a New – Immediate Hybrid Annuity™!For a typical retiree with about $250,000 the income differences were just under $2,000 per year; and while $2,000 may not set the world on fire – just take that times 30 years in retirement.Are you willing to gift $60,000 […]Read More »Give Money to an Internet Annuity Advisor! Are You Crazy?
We don’t work with crazy people (okay, maybe a couple, LOL), but we do work with a lot of sincere folks who first met us; after doing some internet research and then turned over a sizeable portion of their life savings in return for some annuities!So, is this crazy or wise? It is really decided by two primary issues: First; working with the most capable advisor […]Read More »Do Fixed Annuities Beat Bank Interest Rates?
Ever since my days of playing the board game of Monopoly, I have wanted to beat the bank. Remember drawing the card that said “Bank Error in Your Favor”? Collect $10…. 10 bucks – sweet and no jail time either.Nowadays, it seems nearly impossible to beat the bank — unless you are talking about their […]Read More »Government Shutdowns Affect Annuities
Can you feel the impending doom of the government shutdown?Every night, it seems that the media cannot wait to tell us how bad it will be when it happens – and whose fault it will be. One talking head tells us the sky is falling followed by a response from another talking head telling us […]Read More »Choosing a Fixed Index Annuity
All fixed index annuities are hybrid annuities – fact or fiction? Fiction!Don’t let the sizzle fool you. You can get a fixed index annuity without an income rider. Why would you do that? Why pay a fee for a service you will never use?Typically, you shouldn’t upgrade your annuity to a hybrid style unless you […]Read More »Annuity Income Riders
What makes a newer hybrid style income annuity different from the industry standard, immediate income annuity? It’s the income rider!Everyone who hears about a new hybrid style annuity is pitched on the the “sizzle”. I’m sure you have seen the advertisements – 5%, 6% or even 8% **guaranteed. Call today! Unfortunately, the limitations are not […]Read More »Choosing an Immediate Annuity
In the golden era of career based retirements, everyone could count on a company paycheck for life in retirement. Unfortunately, in today’s new world economy, fewer and fewer employees are leaving jobs with defined benefits programs that take care of their income and health benefits. So what options do workers who have invested a lifetime of […]Read More »Choosing a Fixed Annuity
If you are having trouble sleeping, you could count sheep or think about fixed annuities.Solid, unexciting, stodgy and downright boring are all wonderful terms to describe fixed annuities – along with simple, steady and safer. Fixed annuities offer competitive interest rates, typically a couple of percentage points higher than bank products. They were never designed […]Read More »Choosing a Hybrid Annuity
Why are so many folks choosing hybrid annuities for their retirement?Let’s summarize the four key elements most retirees are looking for that make a hybrid style annuity so attractive.The opportunity to participate in gains if the market does well.Principal Guarantees, eliminating the concern of losses due to market downturns.Lifetime income **guarantees.Access to the annuity’s account accumulation dollars.This is typically […]Read More »Should You Choose a Variable Annuity?
Occasionally, we get requests from our site visitors and viewers to help them review a particular annuity – like that from Larry below.Dear Annuity Guys®,I asked my broker about annuities and he is recommending a variable annuity# from @%#^#. What is your opinion of this annuity?Larry T.Watch as the Annuity Guys® discuss who should choose or […]Read More »Relying on Annuities for Retirement Pensions
The private sector has been bailing on providing pensions for employees over the last few decades. Now, it appears legislation to “radically change” public sector pension plans may also be in the works.In Illinois, we are aware of how much strife a public pension battle can impact both the fiscal health of the state and that of […]Read More »Annuity Rates, Caps and Fees
“What are your best annuity rates?” This is how about 50% of our phone calls from website visitors start out after they visited .As independent advisors, fortunately, we are able to offer our clients the best fit from dozens of companies including those with the highest rates, best caps and lowest fees. So, if you find an annuity with the best **guaranteed rate, the […]Read More »1035 Exchange – Replacing an Annuity
Keeping the taxman at bay may seem next to impossible these days, however with annuities the IRS/Congress blessed us with one strategy to maintain the tax-deferred status when we move from one annuity to another – the 1035 exchange.Watch as the Annuity Guys® examine the proper use of a 1035 exchange.[embedit snippet=”video-specialist-button”] **Guarantees, including optional benefits, are […]Read More »How do you Choose the Best in Class Annuity?
The latest issue of Barron’s proclaims to know and list the Top 50 Annuities. Being the Annuity Guys® that we are, we quickly located the article and tables to find out if they were right. What criteria would they use to choose the very best. Finally we would have the answer that all of our readers […]Read More »Hybrid Annuities as an Inflation Hedge
Inflation – this one word strikes terror in the hearts of many retirees on a fixed income.Never to fear, we have a cost of living adjustment (COLA) in Social Security to help save us — maybe not the more generous COLA that we have come to expect if the President and Congress decide they should balance a portion of the budget by restructuring […]Read More »Are Annuity Commissions Too High?
Most of the mainstream media decries annuities as bad investment choices sold by unscrupulous agents solely to earn high commission.CNN/Money even states “annuities frequently charge other high fees as well, usually including an initial commission of up to 10% of your premium or investment”. The key word in this statement is “up to” – the majority of fixed annuities […]Read More »Is an Annuity the Wrong Choice for You?
Should I or shouldn’t I – that is the question.Many of our site visitors struggle with the decision to choose an annuity for a portion of their retirement. No one wants to make a poor decision regarding their retirement security yet the volume of commentary on how to structure retirement is overwhelming.How do you know if you are making the right […]Read More »Why do Wives Prefer Annuities?
Before everyone starts yelling gender discrimination, we know that husbands can prefer annuities too.However, it is not uncommon for us to have a conversation with men who let us know right from the get go, “I don’t like annuities,” but I have to do something to take care of my wife if I’m gone. As […]Read More »Millions of Pensions Dumped – Can Annuities Fill the Gap?
Every time you turn on the news it seems we are bombarded with information on pension reform or the scaling back of retirement benefits. In 2012 Ford and General Motors began offloading their pension liabilities and based upon a recent AON Hewitt survey many other business are considering following suit.What will that mean for the retiree […]Read More »Annuity Ratings, are they Believable?
U.S. to sue S&P over Ratings – that was this years’ February 5th headline in the Wall Street Journal. If the federal government is suing a ratings agency for providing overly rosy evaluations on bundled mortgage-backed securities, what does that imply for their ability to rate insurance companies?Should we as consumers place our trust in or be guided […]Read More »Will a Collapsed Dollar Harm Annuities?
Jack in CA asks; If the dollar goes into a nose-dive, how safe will it be to own an immediate, fixed or hybrid annuity?In figuring out how to best answer Jack, we have to speculate on the level or severity of the collapse – if we have total anarchy or a Zimbabwean type of inflation, the paper […]Read More »Annuities vs (IUL) Indexed Universal Life – How do they compare?
What are the differences between a hybrid index annuity and an (IUL) index universal life policy? Wow! Steve, we thought we were about the only ones who ever discussed this. Great question! The answer can typically be found by beginning with the end objective. In other words, what is the end goal for these dollars and when do you […]Read More »What do Annuities Really Earn? No Hype…
Apples and oranges – what do they have in common? Both are fruits!Why would we start a discussion about annuity earnings with apples and oranges? When people start looking at annuities, they invariably want to compare them to mutual fund^s or other securities. Commonly, they will start the discussion about the merits of a particular annuity by asking about the “upside” […]Read More »Are Annuities Improving With The Economy?
Annuities have been on a significant growth upswing since the equities market started tanking in 2008. So if annuities were more popular when the market dropped, will they lose favor if the economy improves? Don’t tell the mutual fund^ industry, but it would appear that increased annuity allocations are here to stay. Since 2008, consumer surveys […]Read More »Can Annuities Solve the Retirement Challenge?
Why does it feel like everyone is talking about annuities these days? Could it be due to the approximately 10,000 people who are retiring from the workforce everyday and that these new retirees are looking for a safe and secure location to place their lifetime of savings. Or is it because of the stock market roller […]Read More »Stop Annuity Procrastination: New Years Resolution!
Procrastination – or the act of replacing high-priority actions with tasks of lower priority.We always hear of people who spend more time planning their annual vacations than they spend planning their retirement. An annuity may or may not be one of the strategies you will use to plan a comfortable and secure retirement; do yourself and […]Read More »Annuities and Christmas – Do They Have Anything in Common?
Only Annuity Guys® like us would sit around the office and discuss topics like this… Annuities and Christmas – what do they have in common? Are there any good annuity Christmas Carols? You have probably never heard some of the songs we think up in our office like “All I want for Christmas is my […]Read More »Is the Fiscal Cliff a Threat or an Opportunity for Annuities?
The “Fiscal Cliff” could have profound implications on the economy. Dick and Eric examine the potential impact on retirees and how annuities might be utilized during this time.[embedit snippet=”video-specialist-button”] **Guarantees, including optional benefits, are backed by the claims-paying ability of the issuer, and may contain limitations, including surrender charges, which may affect policy values. During this […]Read More »What Percentage of Your Portfolio Allocation Should Be Annuities?
Want to know just how much of your retirement nest egg you should consider for placement into annuities? The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) estimates that Social Security will cover between 33 and 55 percent of most retirees pre-retirement income. How will you make up the difference?Eric and Dick tackle the question of how much […]Read More »Tax Saving Income Tips
As we approach an almost insurmountable debt load likely increases in tax is may be inevitable, we thought it may be a good opportunity to share some useful tax saving tips and strategies. Annuities can work very well for some portions of this strategy.[embedit snippet=”video-specialist-button”] Guarantees, including optional benefits, are backed by the claims-paying ability of […]Read More »Is an Old Variable Annuity Better than a New Hybrid?
“Don’t buy an annuity! The **guarantees they offer are often unnecessary and costly.” – has turned into “that annuity sure saved you from the market meltdown!”; and “you’d better hang on to it!”So, can today’s annuity buyer expect the same performance from an annuity they could have purchased a few years back? Eric and Dick […]Read More »Is it Unfair to Compare Annuities to Investments
Is comparing annuities to investment choices a mistake? A recent Market Watch article stated that was just one of the three major errors made by both financial professionals and consumers when evaluating annuities.Eric and Dick examine comparing annuities to investments in this weeks video review.**Guarantees, including optional benefits, are backed by the claims-paying ability of […]Read More »Do Not Waste Time Considering Annuities, If You…
Do not waste your time considering annuities if you cannot find one of the following Annuity Profiles that matches your situation.Annuity Profiles1. Security Oriented – Reached a stage in your life when market risk is not appealing.2. Value Freedom from Oversight – Want money to grow securely but do not want to be bothered with […]Read More »Hybrid Annuities have too many moving parts… Says Who?
What makes a Hybrid Annuity different from a Fixed Annuity? Answer: index strategies, an income rider, and the contractual **guarantees associated with the income rider.What makes a Hybrid or Index Annuity better than a standard fixed annuity with an income rider? Answer: the opportunity to participate in the potential upside of index gains that can exceed […]Read More »Are Hybrid Annuities too Complicated?
In our conversations with people considering annuities we often hear them repeat a phrase they have read or heard from someone else, “hybrid or index annuities are too complicated”. Most of the people we know drive cars even though they can’t explain how the internal combustion engine works. Similarly, hybrid annuities can have a number […]Read More »Why Hybrid Annuities Are Game Changers
Two recent studies discuss the overwhelming growth of annuities as a sought after financial product. LIMRA cited the significant growth in the number of Baby Boomers now doing their research for information about annuities online. While, Cerulli Associates in a recent survey revealed that annuities have become the most requested financial product that clients ask their […]Read More »100% Money Back Annuity **Guarantees!
Most big ticket purchase come with a warranty or a **guarantee – including annuities. Did you know that all annuities come with a money back satisfaction **guarantee?Eric and Dick examine one of the most unknown or misunderstood aspects of annuities available today’s market.[embedit snippet=”video-specialist-button”] **Guarantees, including optional benefits, are backed by the claims-paying ability of the issuer, […]Read More »How to Get Rid of a Bad Annuity
Do you think you made a bad decision on an annuity purchase in the past? Do you think you’re stuck due to surrenders and penalties? What are your options?Dick and Eric examine the options that most annuity owners do not know about to possibly move out of an annuity that was misrepresented or one that no […]Read More »IRA / 401k to Annuity Rollover Concerns
Many of the concerns people have with moving an IRA or 401k into annuities revolve around misconceptions with how the IRS treats these transfers. As long as these transactions follow some basic rules there should be no additional taxable consequence or penalty.Dick and Eric examine the IRA to annuity transfer process and discuss some of the challenges […]Read More »Annuity Scams – Fear Factor or Reality?
The Internet is full of warnings and alerts about annuity scams that create the appearance of industry run amok with fraud. Should you be fearful of annuities and the people who sell them?Dick and Eric delve into annuity scams and alerts in this weeks blog entry.[embedit snippet=”video-specialist-button”] **Guarantees, including optional benefits, are backed by the claims-paying ability […]Read More »Annuities – The Best Financial Product No One Wants!
Why would an insurance actuary call annuities the best financial product no one really wants? And why would he go on to say that in retirement he might not even purchase an annuity himself even when he knows they make good sense?Dick and Eric discuss why individuals purchase annuities – even though they don’t want to…**Guarantees, […]Read More »Why are Hybrid Annuities so Popular?
What made fixed index annuities and hybrid annuities the fastest growing annuity type on the market according to a LIMRA report? Why would you consider a hybrid annuity when planning your retirement? Dick and Eric look at hybrid annuities and what makes them so special.[embedit snippet=”video-specialist-button-hybrid”] **Guarantees, including optional benefits, are backed by the claims-paying ability […]Read More »Study Finds Near Retirees Get Crushed! Can Annuities Help?
A recent headline from the Yahoo Daily Ticker caught our attention – American Incomes Are Falling And Near-Retirees Are Getting Crushed: Study.The report was based upon findings from Sentier Research, a data analysis company, and (to the surprise of no one who works with individuals in or nearing retirement) they found that the inflation adjusted incomes […]Read More »The Love Hate Annuity Relationship
Every financial product has negatives and positives, how these products are presented or utilized by companies and advisors can lead to a vast array of emotions and opinions…. Hence, annuities are no stranger to this love/hate relationship.Dick and Eric discuss some of the rumors that annuities face that often lead to the conflicting opinions among […]Read More »28 Risks Retirees Face – Part 2
What are the risks everyone will face in retirement? We recently received a list of retirement risks prepared by the financial planning team at Global Financial Private Capital. This list comes as close to encompassing all the risks that retirees face as we have seen. Annuities do not answer or alleviate all of these risks, […]Read More »28 Risks Retirees Face – Part 1
What are the risks everyone will face in retirement? We recently received a list of retirement risks prepared by the financial planning team at Global Financial Private Capital. This list comes as close to encompassing all the risks that retirees face as we have seen. Annuities do not answer or alleviate all of these risks, but […]Read More »Top Five Reasons Not to Buy an Annuity
What are the top five reasons not to allocate funds to an annuity? Based on many years of experience and an informal office survey the top five reason are…Too old or too young.A lack of sufficient assets.Expectation of an unrealistically high return.Probability of needing annuity dollars prior to maturity.Missing a reasonable understanding of how annuities work.Dick and Eric examine these five reasons in this weeks commentary.[embedit snippet=”video-specialist-button”] **Guarantees, […]Read More »Is a Pre-Issued Annuity right for you? – Part 2
This is a two part blog on Pre-Issued Annuities. In part 1 we examined some of the reasons why someone might consider a Pre-Issued Annuity for a portion of their portfolio.In this entry we highlight some of the concerns and and negatives that must be considered when examining a Pre-Issued Annuity.[embedit snippet=”video-specialist-button”] **Guarantees, including optional benefits, are […]Read More »Is a Pre-Issued Annuity right for you? – Part 1
This is a two part blog on Pre-Issued Annuities. In part 1 we will examine some of the reason why someone might consider a Pre-Issued Annuity for a portion of their portfolio.Is a Pre-Issued Annuity right for you? If you think like most people in this low interest rate environment the answer is a resounding […]Read More »Why You Should Ladder Annuities…
When your financial advisor starts to talk to you about laddering, realize that they are talking to you about using financial products with varying maturities and that they are most likely not thinking about a trip to the hardware store.In today’s low interest rate environment laddering annuities allows clients to potentially capitalize on increasing rates […]Read More »Tax Free Annuities – Limited Supply!
Tax Free annuities are entirely possible with some planning and knowledge about Roth conversions.One of the biggest negatives continually re-hashed about annuities is that just like IRAs they are taxed at ordinary income tax rates on earnings. So why not avoid tax all together with a Roth Annuity! Oh, did I mention that when the IRA […]Read More »Never Place an IRA in an Annuity? Wrong!
One question that seems to come up on a regular basis is “should I use my IRA/401k dollars to purchase an annuity?” As financial advisors and planners we have to take a “big picture view” prior to answering, because it really depends.What benefits or options are you seeking to get from your annuity that you […]Read More »Annuity Timing – Jump in or Wait?
Annuity Guys®, Dick and Eric examine the question on the mind of many people when comes to selecting an annuity in today’s depressed rate environment – should I jump in now or should I wait?[embedit snippet=”video-specialist-button”] **Guarantees, including optional benefits, are backed by the claims-paying ability of the issuer, and may contain limitations, including surrender charges, […]Read More »Are Annuities Best in a Difficult Economy?
Dick and Eric reflect on a email they received this week highlighting a Tony Robbins video (see below) on the National Debt and Federal Budget Deficit. What does it mean for the nation when we have over $15 trillion dollars in debt? and how does that impact retirees and those considering annuities in retirement?[embedit snippet=”video-specialist-button”] **Guarantees, […]Read More »Should I Plan to Live to 100?
In “The law of Averages: Why We Underestimate Risk in the Face of Uncertainty,” Stanford management-science professor Sam Savage illustrates the folly of planning using averages by recounting the tale of the statistician who drowns crossing a river with an average depth of three feet. The rub, of course, is that while the stream is […]Read More »Is Social Security an Annuity?
It is important to understand the way that Social Security was designed to function. By commercial standards, this is the ultimate lifetime annuity. The definition of an annuity is basically exchanging one’s money with some entity in return for a reliable income stream over a period of time based on a predetermined agreement. The strength […]Read More »Low Interest Rates Hurt Seniors
The Federal Reserve Board has not formally relaxed its intention to keep interest rates low through the end of 2014. And there is little new to say about the way non-existent interest rates on savings accounts, certificates of deposit, and U.S. Treasury securities have hurt all savers, particularly risk-averse investors.Retirees are, of course, the poster […]Read More »Are You Too Young or Old to Purchase an Annuity?
What is the best age to purchase an annuity?There have been a plethora of articles and reports about unscrupulous agents who sell annuities to senior citizens who did not understand what they were buying or the contractual ramifications of their decision. Due to the publicity of many of these unfortunate events there has been a blanket […]Read More »Annuities – Liquid or Not?
As advisors who specialize in retirement planning one of the first questions we discuss with clients surrounds the subject of liquidity. We need to insure that our clients are equipped for whatever financial challenges life may present them with and sometimes that means needing access to some cash quickly.So are annuities liquid financial vehicles? Can annuities be converted […]Read More »Understanding Immediate Annuities
Today, people are living longer than ever before. While the idea of living a longer (and hopefully healthier) life is appealing to most of us, the tradeoff for many people is the fear of outliving their retirement savings.On top of that, the immense costs of healthcare today––along with constantly rising inflation––continue to compound an already […]Read More »How Much Income Can You Withdraw Safely in Retirement?
A Reuter’s article hit our desk recently. It’s based on a “safe withdrawal rate” during retirement (safe being relative since we’re talking about the stock market) and how that percentage is trending down.Here’s a direct quote from the article:“Some financial firms have considered lowering their recommended withdrawal rate to 3 percent but have found it hard […]Read More »Are Annuities a Good Choice in a Low Interest Rate Environment?
One of the questions we have heard asked quite a bit lately, “Is it the right time to buy an annuity?”A prolonged low interest rate environment does impact returns and interest crediting on annuities. Payouts, **guarantees and riders have all been impacted in the annuity marketplace during the last five years. In fact, one recent […]Read More »Fixed Index Annuity Returns Reviewed
Dick and Eric take a look at the Wharton study and what it means for anyone considering a fixed index annuity as the chassis for the hybrid annuity.[embedit snippet=”video-specialist-button-index”] **Guarantees, including optional benefits, are backed by the claims-paying ability of the issuer, and may contain limitations, including surrender charges, which may affect policy values. During this […]Read More »Annuity Fees – The Nasty Truth
The conventional press has maligned annuities for years due to high fees and surrender charges, as well they should… when they exist. Confused yet? You should be. We have all heard the saying about throwing out the baby with the bath water and the same can be said about annuities. If we group all annuities […]Read More »What are Hybrid Annuities?
Hybrid annuities, also referred to as hybrid income annuities, are essentially a type of annuity contract that allows the account owner to tie the growth of his or her assets into market benchmark (i.e. Dow Jones IA, S&P 500, NASDAQ 100), with an income rider or riders.On the most basic level, a hybrid annuity is […]Read More »