Index Modified Endowment Contract [IMEC™]…
A Safer Hybrid Annuity Alternative
Safety, Growth, Liquidity, Tax Free Transfer & NO Market Risk to Principal or Gains:
“Your Retirement Success is Our First Concern”
- Achieve higher index interest growth of up to 15%+ without any downside market risk associated with stocks and bonds;
- Minimum Guarantees of up to 3% (can offset any fees or costs);
- Annual Locked In Gains of Cash Account Value;
- No 1099s or IRS Tax Reporting Required in deferral;
- Safety A to A++ AM Best Highly Rated Carriers;
- 100 Percent liquidity is possible with no surrender charges;
- Transfer wealth to children or grandchildren TAX FREE;
- Death Benefit Up to 400% or more of the account value;
- Tax Free Long Term Care and Home Health Care options;
- IRS Approval by Internal Revenue Code 72(e) and 7702.
We practice and recommend a “Holistic – Outcome Based Approach when considering IMECs and annuities.” This approach has the effect of balancing your overall portfolio so you can meet your retirement objectives by “first identifying the least amount of your investments or savings that should be considered for an IMEC or annuities.” This approach then models multiple outcomes so you can clearly identify your income and growth opportunities.
“An Experienced and Independent Annuity & IMEC can help you Avoid a Trial and Error or Risk Based Retirement”
If you have done a little internet research, you are probably aware that you can choose from hundreds of advisors/salespeople who will try to convincingly promise you that they have the best annuities and advanced strategies for all of your money. Indeed, there are many advisors who claim to have “that one best solution, best annuity, IMEC or best strategy; this, however, is not the way we approach or recommend that you do retirement and income planning” since we believe that there are many good solutions for you to consider. Our recommended process is directed towards looking at several plausible financial strategies with different successful outcomes based on your financial situation. This process helps you to compare and select one of these solutions that you are most comfortable with.
This type of approach does take considerably more time, effort and analysis which will show you mathematically the successful possibilities by comparing various outcomes rather than trying to sell or convince you of that “so-called one best solution.” Clients frequently tell us that this process removes some of the confusion and emotion to help them objectively identify a better retirement plan; rather than just ending up with the most convincing salesperson or advisor.
When requesting help you can be assured of working with an independent advisor and insurance licensed annuity/IMEC specialist who has access to many different companies and annuities/IMECs in helping you choose the best financial instruments using a holistic-outcome based planning approach. We consider the high quality of the referrals we make to our website visitors as a direct reflection back on us. Based on survey feedback from referrals we have made to our site visitors we have eliminated about 200 advisors and now only recommend about six that we consider best of the best on a national stage. Advisors are continually asking us to recommend them and they are all willing to pay a fee for our referrals. Our reputation and future business is driven only by satisfied website visitors. Advisors do pay a referral fee, however, there is never a cost to individuals receiving a referral or advisor recommendation. Referral fees paid by advisors allow us to focus on supplying annuity information while vetting the best annuity and retirement income specialists. The individuals that benefit the most from our approach are comfortable leveraging today’s internet technology to their fullest advantage.

After confirming your request for help and shipping address by phone, we will immediately send your FREE personally signed Library Edition of our popular Annuity Reference Book “The New Retirement” plus Two Fact-Filled DVDs!
“These FREE vital resources can enhance your ability to help you identify the best annuities when working closely with a vetted retirement and annuity specialist.”
Sincerely, Dick and Eric – Annuity Guys®
PS: These limited resources are provided to help those who request annuity specialist help. Thank You.
“I wanted to thank you for referring me to Jerry. He is a perfect match for us… If there is ever anything I can do for you please let me know. Thanks again and take care.”
John in PA
“Been so busy I haven’t had the time to write and say thanks for referring Sandra to us. She is awesome … Thanks again for your guidance.”
Alex in TX
“Dick, Thank you for referring me to Brady. I am indebted to you for all your support … Again, thank you.”
Jack in CA
Selecting the Best Annuity & IMEC Retirement Income s…
Are you willing to work with a retirement annuity & IMEC specialist based on their track record and proven expertise as a first priority rather than being limited by a local or regional area? The good news is that technology has forever eliminated our geographical limitations and leveled the playing field for everyone! As a result of today’s technological advances, all of us can now work confidently with experts in any field including personal finance. We are no longer confined by regional or local boundaries limiting our choices and ultimate success. The best nationally recommended annuity specialists with proven track records vetted by the Annuity Guys® are now as close as a click or phone call away.
“There is no room for trial and error when it comes to choosing MarketFree® Annuities & IMECs or a Successful Retirement Planner.”
When you think about it, your money is almost always in some other state with a custodian; whether invested in the market or with an insurance company, the advisors competence is primarily needed when positioning your money initially. So working with a specialized expert in a financial discipline like annuities/IMECs or retirement planning is imperative. There are no undo buttons in retirement! Once the annuities and IMECs get set up correctly, it is customary and more efficient for annuity owners to benefit by having direct access to the annuity issuer instead of having to go through the agent. And, of course any reputable advisor, local or national, is more than willing to assist their clients if needed after annuities and IMECs are implemented.
“There are no undo buttons in retirement so it is vitally important that you do it right the first time!”
We are fortunate to have identified a select few of what we believe are truly the best of the best annuity experts out of about two hundred licensed insurance agents that we eventually stopped referring. Your survey feedback is what helps us make these tough decisions. The advisors we recommend have an independent financial practice, specializing in annuities and retirement planning similar to Eric and I, which helps ensure that you are given the best annuity/IMEC options available for your retirement planning.
“Anyone can sell you an annuity or IMEC; however, it takes an experienced expert to know how to structure annuities and IMECs for income, inflation, growth, return of principal, and tax advantage. Typically, there is not just one annuity that can accomplish all of these objectives. It is how an annuity expert structures multiple annuities in balancing your total portfolio that makes it possible to achieve your most important retirement objectives.”
Thank You… Dick & Eric, Annuity Guys®
Why Searching for the Best IMECs and Annuities on Your Own Can be so Frustrating…
Almost everyone nowadays turns to the internet for answers on everything – from buying new widgets to researching just about everything under the sun; and finding the best IMEC or annuity is no exception!
At first, it may seem that researching annuities or IMECs will be straightforward but the more time you spend researching them, the more frustrating it can be. Why is this? First of all, it does not take long to realize that gimmicks abound – such as warnings and alerts from salesmen who just want your attention so they can sell you an annuity or the “too good to be true” claims of 8% to 14% **guaranteed interest and of course the claim that you can get the full market upside with no downside risk! If you have done any research you have heard all of these claims in advertising which are mostly half truths and not fully explained.
So how can you find the best annuities and IMECs on the internet? The truth is… you can’t! And what is even more frustrating is all the conflicting points of view from so called experts. There are well over 6,000 different annuities – all designed for different reasons, so is it any wonder that the deck is stacked against the average researcher or do-it-yourselfer. Add to that the fact that annuities pay high enough commissions to attract a plethora of both good and bad agents. This does not make IMECs and annuities good or bad; they are simply a financial tool that truly benefit those who use them correctly.
How can you find the best IMECs & annuities for your unique situation?
- Use the internet cautiously;
- Work with a vetted and experienced IMEC/annuity specialist;
- Do not settle for that one dubious best plan or annuity/IMEC compare multiple Outcome Based Plans to decide on the one that is truly best for you;
- Be keenly aware of scare tactics and hyperbole – avoid those advisors and websites;
- Avoid websites that are focused on rushing free reports, rates and quotes to get your contact information they are rushing you to speak with them, instead, take your time and choose someone you are more comfortable with that works on your time-table;
- Know the Ten Vital Factors (listed above) that an experienced annuity/IMEC specialist must answer before helping you select the best IMEC or annuities for your situation;
- Watch this telling video “Avoid Gimmicks, Amateurs and Charlatans”…